“CircleBack introduced ContactCloud, a contact management solution blending AI with the curation of millions of users holding more than a billion contacts.” – Direct Marketing New Solutions Debut At Dreamforce: Al Urbanski Before it, digital marketing and its analog counterpart were the sums of gut feelings, psychology textbooks, and only a broad understanding of “what happened before.”

“Think of the rise of Big Data as the “Big Bang” of digital marketing.

– Adotas How Artificial Intelligence Changed Digital Marketing Forever: Manoj Ramnani CircleBack removes all of these issues through the smart organization of you contact list.” A job change here or an email address change there is sure to bring about that often over-looked hassle of having to chuck away old lists and building and managing new ones from scratch. This is especially true when work is involved. It is always subject to regular change, every time we choose to add or deduct entries from it. “Contact lists are one of the most volatile things that we have to handle in our daily lives. – iPhone Apps Review Online CircleBack – The Smartest Contact Manager App Yet You can separate your contacts into specific groups based on their relationship to you and you can sync across multiple platforms as well.” Contacts can be imported from Outlook, Gmail, Office365, LinkedIn, and others. When an existing contact updates their information the app will automatically apply the changes for you as well. This app not only provides an organized solution for tracking your contacts, it can also find new contacts for you by taking the information out of email signatures you receive. “One of the most important aspects of customer relationship management is a top quality contact manager and CircleBack is as good as anything else in the App Store. – appPicker The best CRM apps for the iPhone The tool photographs or scans business cards and adds the information to contact lists as well.”

“Nimble last week announced a deal to partner with CircleBack, which offers an AI-powered contact capture and cleaning tool that updates contacts and scans business cards automatically.The CircleBack tool captures email signatures in Gmail and G Suite in real time, automatically adding new contacts to a user’s list. – CRMBuyer AI Tool Captures and Updates Contacts Automatically