You can let recruiters know that you are open to opportunities.You may want to consider the below LinkedIn privacy settings when you are looking for a new job opportunity: However, you may have not even considered the settings available on LinkedIn. You may have already amended your privacy settings on your other social media profiles as many of us like our private life to stay private. Another way to add keywords to your profile is to add your key skills to the ‘Skills & Endorsements’ section which is mentioned later in this piece. You can copy and paste this section into your job description under ‘Experience’. Some of your keywords may be mentioned organically whilst describing your company or job role, but you can include further keywords by including ‘specialities’ and a list of your key skills, separated by a comma. Other areas: you can include keywords in your summary (directly below the headline) and in your experience.You can separate the words with a vertical line to keep it formatted. Your headline should include your job title, sector, key skills and geographical area. The algorithm will pick up a number of key terms used in a profile and will consider the key terms used in your headline. You should try to use all of these characters to maximise the chances of being ranked higher in a search. Headline: this can be found directly under your name and profile picture and should be 120 characters maximum.There are a couple of ways that you can make your profile friendly to search engines and be found by lots of relevant people. You may already think you have a good LinkedIn profile, however you could be missing a trick if your profile cannot be found in search results by people when they are searching key terms. Whether you are already working within a business, looking to increase brand awareness, or you are actively seeking a new job, the LinkedIn profile tips below will allow you to be a step ahead of your competition, without taking up too much of your time! 1.

#Linkedin let recruiters know you re open to work professional
In contrast to platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, LinkedIn allows you to develop your professional and personal branding, network with like-minded professionals, increase company exposure and assist you with your job search. Amongst this figure, LinkedIn have reported that 50 percent of users are educated to university level or equivalent, 60 million are influencers and 40 million are decision makers. LinkedIn is unique to any other social media channel and has over 900 million members in more than 200 countries, including jobseekers, recruiters and businesses.